Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Here are just some more photos from our trip. They're in no order what so ever.

This was the view from our room in Pattaya, gotta say it's pretty impressive when you are there.
Just more Random pics of the hotel
This is the Hotel we stayed at in Pattaya, called the Hard Rock Hotel
Kamara, Mel and Matt got to wear these at the day spa we went to, However I chose a different treatment, so what I had to wear can't be published as it was mesh undies, doesn't leave alot to the imagination
This is all of us after a couple of drinks in the hotel room, was a really good night, just to hang out.
This is MBK...hence the initials...haha, This is an awesome shopping complex, took me two days to get around it. It's better than an amusement park.
Would you believe I was actually really sick. Just goes to show, no matter how sick I am, I'm still a poser. This was the plane ride from hell. 5 hours from Beijing to Bangkok and our food choice was Duck or Pork, I can't eat either, so I ate a bread roll....yum
This is Kamara, Me and Mel all dressed up for a nice stroll along the Wall, it's good to dress the part in China. Or another way to disguise ourselves
This is the entrance to the Great Wall of China
This is the 7/11 in Bangkok, I'm guessing this place doesn't get held up to often...haha

Wednesday, May 31, 2006


Hi Heath, here is my latest overseas adventure, these pictures are in no order at all, sorry mate. It's taken me 3 days to figure out how to use this website, so this was the best I could come up with....lol But the schedule was Beijing to Bangkok to Pattaya.
Thanks for getting me on to this blog thing, wish I knew about it earlier and I could have put all my other trips on here. Hope you're having a good time in London.

This is in Bangkok, they have hot pink taxis every where over there. They're pretty cool, even if I do say so myself

All I wanted to do in Beijing was shop and do Tai Chi. On the day that we were leaving we went to the Temple of Heaven and I got to do Tai Chi. It's actually harder than you think, but it does work, I felt really good after it. I just joined in on a group of Chinese people doing it. They didn't mind.
We stayed at the Novotel Hotel in Beijing, it's a pretty classy Hotel, well you know me!!!! haha. On our last night we decided to go to the Lobby Bar for a quiet drink. The Lobby Bar is just a quiet bar you go to, to have a cocktail pre show drink that kinda thing. Well one drink turned into two drinks, two drinks turned into 4 drinks, 4 drinks turned into a dance, a dance then turned in to Karaoke and Mel and I sang with the Band. We got these German tourists up and danced as well....So basically we turned a quiet Lobby bar into a disco/night club...haha. These are the girls we sang with in the band.
This is me at the Forbidden City/Palace in Beijing.....was fun for the first 5 minutes, got pretty boring after that.
We went to this cabaret show in Pattaya called Alcazzar, it was an awesome stage show, with great music, the sets and costumes were like nothing I had seen before, they look pretty hot ayy!! Guess what? there's a catch, they're all blokes, or were once a bloke. I know unreal ay, they're better looking than alot of girls....haha. Was a brilliant show though! I was looking, but I couldnt tell that they were guys. Poor Matthew, it ruined him for checking out thai girls after that, cause he didn't know if they were really girls anymore...haha
Kamara and I at the Hard Rock Hotel in Pattaya, the pool was huge. We pretty much just chil-axed when we got to Pattaya, everyone was pretty much shopped out after Bangkok, I don't know what's wrong with people these days, how anyone can get shopped out is beyond me!
I got to wear this on the Great Wall of China, I was dressed as the Emperor. How attractive ayy!!
This was taken at the Radisson Hotel in Bangkok. Matthew and I stayed on the Business Floor which was the 19th floor. The girls were sharing and were on the 10th floor. To get to the 19th floor you had to have a security card. Anyways I left the Bacardi in the girls room and thought it was the early hours of the morning so bugger it, off I went down 9 floors in the lift to get the grog and be stuffed if I didn't get busted by some Japanese girls in the lift.
Me at the Great Wall of China. There were about 70,000 people on the wall at one time, behind me you can see about a hundred or so. Good thing the wall is 6000 km long to fit us all on it.
I bought this outfit at the Silk Market in Beijing, it cost me $8.42 for the shirt and about $10.00 for the hat. So I wore it around the hotel....I looked like the concierge...haha I'm such a tool. I really don't understand why I'm single you know....lol